Wednesday, September 12, 2012

on the White Gold rush!!!

Location: The Remarkables, Queenstown, New Zealand
This year the winter in New Zealand is really bad, almost no snow …. Like snowparkNZ here:

 Now that spring is coming we got few day of snow for finally getting some good condition, And I was lucky enough to have 2 days off at the end of these snowfalls, the Tuesday was snowing very hard and very windy but Remarks was open, so no hesitation, I went up there for the full day and it was amazing with all the fresh snow, even if it was bloody cold and couldn’t see anything. I didn’t take any photos because of the visibility.

 But the next day, it was really sunny. So at 8:45AM, with a friend, we were in front of the lift waiting for it to open around 9AM. It was really like a gold rush there were a lot of people waiting like us to be the first one to make the tracks on the perfect snow. As soon as we reach the top of the lift everyone was going as fast as possible to make the first tracks.
I was too obsessed about skiing so I didn't took any pictures for the first 2 runs

you can see on top a line of rider rushing to make the first tracks on the side

 After few runs there were already few track everywhere, so we start hiking to reach some better spot, and a lot of people do the same, hurry to get on top of the hill to enjoy all this white gold.
a small hike ...

... to make make these first tracks :)

 As the day goes we get many runs always awesome with heaps of fresh snow and just few tracks.
You can see progressively the tracks spreading all across the ski area along the day…
my friend had to left a bit earlier to go to work but i stayed until the very end.

on top of the hill after a long hike, now an awesome run in front of me!! 
nice view over the ski area!!

 At the end of the day, most of the good slops were smashed, the only place where you have to hike a lot were still fresh without too many tracks.

that was by far the best day of the winter, end up veeery tired, but would have loved to stay longer, but unfortunately it close at 4PM so i had to go home :(