Mendoza is on west side of Argentina, and very close to Santiago de chile. Just next to the mountains. it is the closest city to go to the Aconcagua (the highest mountain outside the Himalaya, 6960m).
I really like the city, it feels safe, and it is very clean very beautiful place!! And it’s a good size, not too big, not too small :)
I really like the street; it’s a bit like Montreal all the street are square, with a lot of one way street. There is a large sidewalk, a tree line, a parking line and the street. With a small difference, there is a trap for drunk people and bad driver, there is a large gutter between the street and the sidewalk everywhere, I’m surprise I didn’t fall in one of this yet!!
Something that can look weird at first is that the wash the sidewalk all the time, everyday a lot of people are sweeping and mopping the sidewalk in front of their house or their shops!! Which help to make the city look very clean!!
The weather is also a bit weird as it is in a desert, outside town there is almost no vegetation, at it is just next to the Andes, it is protected for most of the rain, in 3 month I have seen only one day with a little bit of rain, and one day with 2 cm of snow almost all the time it is sunny!! The gutters that serve as trap for drunken people also are a very complex irrigation system for all the trees and the park in town.
there is so much trees in all the street that it didn't look like a city from here !!
The city is also well known for its wine, it is here that 70% of Argentinian wine are produced. They produced different type of grapes; the most popular is the malbec.
The wine and the mountains are the main touristic attraction around Mendoza.