Monday, July 22, 2013

Holidays are over !!

Location: Mendoza, Argentina
As you have noticed I havn’t posted anything since about 2 month. I’m due to a little update now !!

So around middle of may, I was leaving asia after almost 4 month backpacking in all south east asia !!
I went directly in france for a week of break, seeing my family, and friends. One week was very short so I couldn’t see everyone, but I promise I will try to go back in france for more time soon to catch up with everyone.

After that short break, I went directly in argentina, in Mendoza, it is a small city north west of argentina, close to Santiago de chile, and next to the mountains.
I moved here, to learn more Spanish and stay there for a while. I’ll try to post something about Mendoza a soon as possible !!

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