Sunday, August 3, 2014

Climbing mountains around Banff

Location: Banff, AB, Canada
The most famous mountain around Banff is Mount Cascade (2998m) , it offer an incredible view over all the Bow valley. and it is relatively easy to climb. that is the first one I did. and I end up going up here two times over the summer as it is easy to access from Banff.

Another very popular mountain is Mount Rundle (2948m). it is just next to cascade, both are easily accessible directly from Banff.  Rundle is a bit shorter but steeper and a little bit more dangerous according to me.  the view from the summit is really similar as the view from cascade. the summit is just on the edge of a very impressive cliff that make the summit quit interesting (if you are not afraid of heights)

I also climbed another mountain very close to Banff, Mount Bourgeau (2931m) I have been quite disappointed by this one. the climb was really easy, and the view on top wasn't as good as the other climb i did during the summer. also I did this one late, in October so it was really cold, which was one of the reason i didn't really like this hike.

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