Sunday, March 18, 2012

Gooooooood morning Auckland !!

Location: Auckland, New Zealand
There it is!!! After waiting all that time to come here … My dream came true... I finally landed in New Zealand !!!!

First impression in Auckland, it’s a nice city, not too big, not too small, and people here are really nice!!! It looks a bit like people in Montreal, a big melting pot of many different cultures, and everyone is really friendly and open minded!!
I plan to stay in Auckland until the winter and then hopefully getting a job in a ski resort for the winter (from June to October). As I’m staying in Auckland I didn’t visit a lot around so I won’t have a lot to post on here for a while !!!

I stayed during few week in a backpackers hostel, and then I finally find a reel place to stay, it is good to have my own room for the first time since more than 6 month!! I got quite lucky to find a job during the first week I was in Auckland, so I work in a salad bar in the city centre, but as it’s only few hours a day, I still looking for a 2nd job, and it’s not the best time to look for a job in Auckland, so I didn’t find one yet …. I also make some good friends here to have some party and visit a bit around.

 So life here is pretty good so far !!!

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