Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lake Waikaremoana, unknown paradise !!

Location: Lake Waikaremoana, New Zealand

No one ever told me about Lake Waikaremoana, not a single tourist site will tell you about it, not many locals know about it. Just one of my friends I met in Queenstown is working as guide around the lake during the summer, that’s how I heard about it. And decide to go for a 4 day walk around the lake with him and a group of friends. And it was incredible, one of the best place in new Zealand. It’s a bit sad that all tourist info will always tell you that you have to go to place like taupo and don’t even know about place like Lake Waikaremoana … they just send you at place you can spend money, not the best place to see …

Anyway, the walk starts with two days walking on the side of the lake, with a loooot of swim break, Cliff jumping and water slide. And also a small waterfall a bit more inland, very beautiful.

The last two days, the track goes up and down a big bluff along the side of the lake. During the first two days we could see this big cliff on the other side of the lake.
It goes through a very old forest and the view from the top is incredible, a perfect view from the edge of the cliff, over the whole lake, it is amazing!! And you can look at all the way you walked over the first days!!
On the other side of the bluff it’s possible to see the east coast, a bit far away !

That was 4 amazing days !!! and for me one of the best place in New Zealand !!

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