Wednesday, March 27, 2013

In Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Saigon is a really big city with about 7 million people and at least 4 Million motorbikes
The amount of motorbike is really very very impressive, and it make the crossing of the road very interesting, as if you wait for the road to be clear, you will never get through.
Basically you have to go even if there is still heaps of motorbike or car. Just walk slowly, looking at the coming motorbikes, and don’t stop; that way is very easy.

I walked around the city during a whole day to see the main attraction. I was a bit disappointed by the war museum that wasn't like I was expected. The independence palace was cool. there is a big market, a cathedral, a big  river.. it is quite nice to walk around.

The next day I went to the the cu chi tunnels, It is a very big network of underground tunnels, very small, that was used during the war by the Vietnamese  There is two different area that you can visit, one were all tourist tour goes that was described to me as “Disneyland”, and one much less touristic and more authentic. So instead of getting a tour from the city to Disneyland, I decided to make my own way to the tunnel using the public buses and find the less touristic tunnel. Arriving there, there was no tourist (during the whole day I saw only one couple of  non-Vietnamese), just few big groups of Vietnamese student. I didn't understand exactly everything, but I think they were here because that day, it was like a holiday for young people ( 18 to 30 yo).
At the beginning of my visit one group invited me to join them during their picnic and having “few” beers. Only one of them speak a bit of English and they were very very nice, they even offer me a present, and share with me all their food and beers!!! so I end up spending the whole day with them and visit the tunnel and the area with them.

After this awesome day, it was time to move on to my next destination!!!


  1. Where is the traffic light for the cross pedestrian ? How can you stay a live ... :o

  2. ahaha most of the place there is no light, but when there is lights..... it's about the same ahahah, it is not as hard as it seems, everyone is really use to it so it goes well, you just have to trust, go slowly, don't stop and watch the motorbike coming toward you.
