Monday, May 13, 2013

Leaving Asia

Location: South East Asia
About 3 and half month ago I was landing in Singapore, I went across Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand again. I have seen sooo many things and met many awesome persons. I had a really good time visiting all these countries.

I was very impressed by the buildings in Singapore. In Malaysia, I didn’t stay very long, but I really liked it, it’s not as poor as the other countries in south east asia, but very nice people and some very good place. In Thailand I have seen a bit too much touristic place and not enough remote places but I still had a very good time. Cambodia is for me one of the best country in the area, but unfortunately I realized it a bit too late and couldn’t stay as long as I wanted. At the beginning of Vietnam I was a bit disappointed but all the north part of the country was really amazing. Laos is also one of my favorite country, a bit like Cambodia, it is extremely poor and not developed, but people are extremely nice!! The north of Thailand was really cool, but as I saw it after long time in South East Asia I felt a bit like I had seen everything already I got bored more quickly.

Globally I had an awesome time, but I prefer much more New Zealand and South America. When I’m traveling, the things I want to see are the scenery and finding some breath taking landscape. And in Asia there is not a lot of amazing landscape like in New Zealand or in south America. In Asia, the most interesting things are more the culture, the different way of life, the food. There is a bit of history in Vietnam and Cambodge, and sooo many temples everywhere; unfortunately I’m not a huge fan of temples.
So I guess depending on what you looking for when you traveling, some people will prefer Asia, and some will prefer South America. I prefer South America and New Zealand.


  1. Yeah, Temples suck:)

  2. Salut cest adrien le frere de maxime (copain de melo) mon frere ma donne ton blog et c'est purement extra ce que tu vis. Je continuerais a te suivre regulierement. Bonne route a toi. Adrien

    1. hey salit !! merci pour le commentaire ça fait plaisir !!

      ça fait un moment que j'ai rien poster mais je vais me remettre a jour bientot !! ;)

  3. Ok avec plaisir. Jai mon dictionnaire a cote :) en mars je part faire thailande cambodge et vietnzm apres jpart un an en australie :) je suis ton exemple et japprend :)
