Sunday, August 11, 2013

finaly going skiing !!

Location: Los Penitentes, Mendoza Province, Argentina
After spending almost two month renting skies for everyone; with a weird feeling as it is always sunny in Mendoza, it is hard to realize that 2h away in the montains it can have a lot of snow. But now I finaly have a day off with good sking condition in the moutains, so I went there for a day. It is a bit different than in other country, the lift are very old, functioning with petrol, not electricity, with is quite bad as at some place the you can smell the smoke very badly.
The lift are very small and slow, there is not many slopes, but there is heaps of backcountry possibilities. I went just after a big snowstorm on a very sunny days, and with very big surprise for me, there was almost no one to enjoy the perfect condition!!  I spend the whole day in perfect fresh snow !!

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