Saturday, October 10, 2015

Going surfing in el Tunco, in el Salvador!!

Location: El Tunco, El Salvador
After seeing lot of archeological site and jungle in chiapas and flores, then some huge volcanoes in Antigua and Atitlan, I thought it was a good idea to go a bit to the beach. for that I decided to go directly in El salvador and see what the beach look like over there!

i decided to go to the tiny surf town El tunco, there is just two street next to a beach with mostly rocks and some small part with very nice black sand. It is a very popular surfing destination with pretty huge waves,  so I decided to give it a go and spend a day surfing (until my board broke in half which cost me more than what I was planning on spending in all el salvador).
until this small incident I had a really great time, and really like the place. I didn’t really took any picture so here is the only one I took here ;)

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