Wednesday, March 21, 2012

At Piha Beach

Location: Piha beach, New Zealand

Just out of work some friend proposed to go to piha beach …. I had no idea where it was.. so lets go !!! 
It’s a small beach on the west cost of New Zealand about 1 or 2 hours drive from Auckland. When we arrived there, it was just … wooaaaaaahhh !!! it’s soooo beautiful, better than all the beach  I’ve seen so far!!!

Only bad point is as it is autumn, the water is pretty cold, so we didn’t stay too long in the water!! Then we just climb a small rock on the side of the beach and watch the sunset from here, and again, completely amazing!!!!

It was such a good day, just going there after work to see such a beautiful place!!! It was my first time out of Auckland if all New Zealand is like that I will really have a good time here!!!!

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