Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Living in Banff

Location: Banff, AB, Canada
I haven't post anything in way too long time, so it’s time for some update !!
At the end of June I arrived in Banff and I found a job very fast, so i decided to stay there and enjoy the summer!!

Banff is small town inside Banff national park it is really nice place to live really in the middle of the nature. I had many time an Elk or a Dear just in front of my apartment, or some Bear walking around my workplace. it is surrounded by mountains so obviously I love it here!!

the town of Banff and the national park was all developed because of a hot spring found on sulfur mountain by the people building the train track across Canada to reach Vancouver. the builder discover the hot springs and it quickly became popular and there for Canada decided to create a national park and build the town of Banff here.

I spent about 6 month here spending my time between work and hiking all around the national park. which was really awesome!

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