Saturday, July 19, 2014

"The eternal traveler syndrome"

Location: Banff, AB, Canada
It’s been long time since I didn't give you any news, I'll post updates soon!!

But today I just want to share a video I found on internet.

A lot of people make video or blog post about traveling, and most of it feels like people started traveling two month ago and think they know everything about travel. All these video and blogs have many interesting fact, but also some that are disconnected from the reality of a very long trip. And most of them miss the very essence of traveling. but there is always some articles and some video that catch it very well and this video is one of them, it catch the deepest meaning of travel and present it in a very good way. 
It represent very well the way I feel since I came back in Montreal and explain why I left again.

The video is in Spanish with English subtitle, for those who speak only French, here is a translation of the text in French

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