Thursday, November 12, 2015

Leaving central america

Location: Central America
Winter is coming, it’s time for me to leave behind Volcanoes, surfboard, snorkel and fins, and put my skis back on for another winter in Sunpeaks. I really had an awesome time making my way from Canada to central america.

For those who haven’t seen many articles about this trip, here is my favorite parts on this trip so you can check those if you don’t have time to read everything.
- Visiting San Francisco
- Doing canyoning in the most amazing canyon I have ever seen next to Monterrey
- Spending a night overlooking a volcano throwing lava all night next to Antigua Guatemala
- Learning to freedive on Utila island, Honduras and surprising myself on my capacity in apnea
- “climb a volcano, help kids” : doing a 2 days hike going up few volcanoes with a local non profit association that raise fund to help kids in local community in Léon, Nicaragua

Now that I’m back in Canada I will probably stop updating my blog, I might share some thought once in a while here, but won’t post much more stories.  I also felt globaly much less interest in my blog during this trip compared to all my travel I did before. It is quite a lot of work to keep this up to date, so I think on my next travel, I won’t post everything on this blog. I will think about another way to share my experience with the ones that are interested.

Thanks to everyone that followed my blog and that gave me feedback!

Thinking about the image Central america have in term of safty

Location: Central America
When I was in Canada planning to hitchhike through the US some people told me not to do so because it was dangerous, then in the US, people told me not to go to mexico because it was more dangerous ; then, the same again when I went in Guatemala. then I have been in Salvador and Honduras, where almost everyone told me not to go there as it was extremely dangerous. but from my experience the huge majority of people in all those countries are some of the nicest people on earth, yes there is some small part that have more risk, but every country does, and in fact I felt much safer in mexico than in France for example.
Every single person that told me not to go to a country because it wasn’t safe, have never been to the country they talk about, they made up their mind from the images sent by the media that only share extreme story, not sure if that’s to get more view on their stories or to scare people away from going to those country.  I think everyone should stop listening to what the media says and go check things out by themselves and made up their own opinion on the subject.   Yes there is few part that is best to avoid in some country, but it is very easy to avoid, and once in the country you can find out where to go and where not to go,   in fact it’s much easier to know the place to avoid in country like Honduras than in Europe or the US. I have hitchhiked in most country i have been and never felt any danger while doing so.
If you keep the basic safety rules like (for example, not showing off watches jewelry or any expensive stuff) and get to know the culture and talk a little bit with local people to know where to go and where not to go,  it is pretty safe place to go.

Those countries are amazing to visit, they need tourism to help them develop more. When I say that, I only mean responsible tourists that think by themselves and travel in a more sustainable way. respectful tourist and Mass tourism in those country will just bring more money to huge multinational company, exploit local people and destruct the environment in these countries.

So as a conclusion, you should all go visit central america, but once there, use only local business, respect the local culture, don’t go swim with dolphin, don’t go see turtle nesting in tour groups. live like a local, and make sure you produce as little waste as possible (The treatment and recycling of garbage in these countries isn’t well developed). Even if in some part most local throw on the ground their empty plastic bottle and bags it is absolutely not ok to do the same, instead you should show the example and look for garbage bin, and when you see people doing so, if you feel comfortable enough you should explain them why they should stop doing that! there is also a huge amount of opportunities for volunteering and help some local communities.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Surfing in San Juan Del Sur

Location: San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
Continuing my way through Nicaragua, I stop on a small town on the pacific coast, San Juan del sur, it’s a nice surfing town on the side of a beautiful beach. and from there you can go along the coast, there is many small beaches that are always amazing for relaxing, surfing or both!
again I had a great time here, the place is touristy but really beautiful and very easy to go surfing to different spot everyday if you want to!

I spent a full day surfing on one of these awesome beaches. and the next day visiting the town and surrounding, and getting all my stuff ready to go back in Canada, as here will be my last stop in central america. winter is coming and it’s time for me to go back up north.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

In Ometepe, a huge island in the middle of a lake!

Location: Ometepe, Nicaragua
Next Stop in Nicaragua, la isla de Ometepe, it is a big island formed by two volcanoes in the middle of a huge lake !! the island is really beautiful and people there are amazing.
during all the time I was there I stayed on a permaculture farm sleeping in a hammock and seeing all the design of the property to be energy efficient and be totally garbage free.

on the island you can climb both volcanoes but apparently it is forbidden to go without a guide and being advertised as very hard it scared away everyone and I couldn’t find enough people to be able to go there :(
instead I went to a very nice waterfall and went exploring the island hitchhiking around. I really loved the island, amazing people and amazing scenery.

Friday, November 6, 2015

In another colonial town, Granada!

Location: Granada, Nicaragua
After few days around Leon, I when to Granada, it is a pretty similar town, a bit more touristy and with building much more restored!

There is few things to do around, going to some island on lake Nicaragua, hiking up volcanoes of going on some beautiful lakes
and many other possibilities. I decided to just go to see la Laguna de Apoyo, it is a small lake inside a crater with very crystal clear water. to get there Instead of taking a taxi or a tour to get to a resort on the side of the lake, I decided to walk there directly from town, I went through some tiny villages along a very nice dirt road, and got through a small farm to get to the edge of the lake at a very remote spot, It was really beautiful spot, super quiet and relaxing.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

First stop in Nicaragua, Leon!

Location: León, Nicaragua
After a very long day going from chicken bus to chicken bus making may way through Honduras, the border and Nicaragua I finally arrived in Leon, it’s a really nice town close to some nice volcano.
I spent a day visiting around town and checking what to do in the area, I really liked it and there is few ruins that remained from the revolution in 1979.

The next day I left for a bigger Hike, over 2 days going up few volcano!! On the first day, going up a small volcano to go down on a board that was really awesome!!

Then starting to hike another volcano, a bit bigger, and spending the night up there with awesome view over a big lake and few other volcano, and the next day going down and swimming in a small lake in a old crater on the way back. the hike was really awesome I really had a great time!