Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Visiting San Francisco

Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
After those first few days on the road in the US I had a small stop for about 10 days in San Francisco. I really took my time to visit the city and I really loved it.
I spend most of the days just walking randomly around all the neighborhood. some are definitely very rich and some other are very poor, they are all very different and really interesting!

I also visit some of the touristy places, trying to remember when I was there, more than 20 years ago. the touristy place didn’t impressed me, except the view from the Marin headlands over the golden gate bridge and the city center. that was really amazing!!

what I really love in San Francisco was really the city itself, all the cultural mix the good food everywhere and the beautiful spot we can find a bit everywhere in the city.

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