Tuesday, November 3, 2015

First stop in Nicaragua, Leon!

Location: León, Nicaragua
After a very long day going from chicken bus to chicken bus making may way through Honduras, the border and Nicaragua I finally arrived in Leon, it’s a really nice town close to some nice volcano.
I spent a day visiting around town and checking what to do in the area, I really liked it and there is few ruins that remained from the revolution in 1979.

The next day I left for a bigger Hike, over 2 days going up few volcano!! On the first day, going up a small volcano to go down on a board that was really awesome!!

Then starting to hike another volcano, a bit bigger, and spending the night up there with awesome view over a big lake and few other volcano, and the next day going down and swimming in a small lake in a old crater on the way back. the hike was really awesome I really had a great time!

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