Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In santiago

Location: Santiago du Chili, Chili
Ok... now its time for my last destination in South America, Santiago de Chile.
The city is nice but nothing special; there is some nice building, and some nice viewpoint.

One cool thing about Santiago is that in one hour or two, you can get to the ocean or to the mountains!!!
I went to a small city called Valparaiso, a very beautiful old city just next to the ocean with a very nice architecture. For those that were in high school with me, that's the town of Pablo Neruda, there is his house and a museum dedicated to him!!!

There is also some beaches to relax, but the water is very cold!!

Just next to the city you also can go for a walk in the mountains (you can ski in winter) we went in canyon del maipu, for a small walk and the place is very beautiful, but nothing special. It look like south of france, it smell like in the "Provence".

Chile is also a big producer of wine, so I went to visit a big winery close to Santiago

So Santiago is nice city, with a lot of possibilities of outside activity very close, but I didn't find anything special about this city!!

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