Monday, October 22, 2012

In the south!!

Location: Invercargill & Dunedin, New Zealand

Now that winter is over I used my days off to travel a bit around.
So I went one time in Dunedin and one time in Invercargill and bluff, the southernmost city in New Zealand. I whent there by hitch hiking that work very well in New Zealand.

Dunedin is very nice, small city with a big university. In many ways it reminded me about Teesside, except that the city is very nice and very safe, unlike Middlesbrough!
You can find in Dunedin the steepest street in the world (according to them)

  And next to Dunedin the otago peninsula is a big area with a lot of wild life, some penguins and heaps of birds like some albatross

Invercargill is very small city with … not much to do. Don’t need to stay longer than one day. there is still a very big park that is really nice.

Bluff is just is about 20min south of Invercargill, and there is nothing there, just one shop and that’s the departure for the ferries to go to Stewarts island.

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