Saturday, May 11, 2013

And one last capital, Bangkok

Location: Bangkok, Thailand
After a small break relaxing at the beach, it’s time to come back in the big smog!! I spent few days in Bangkok to visit the city before taking my flight!!

Bangkok is a really big city, some people love it, some hate it, and me….. a bit of both !!
Like everywhere there is heaps of temples, and as I’m really bored of temples I have skipped almost all temples. Also there is a huge palace, but the day I wanted to visit it, it was only half open and was closing very early, so I couldn’t visit it!!

There is few river in the city so some public transport are by boat, it work very well and is very cheap, a very good way to move around.

There is different suburb with different style, like a place with more clubs and bars, one other with more luxury hotel and restaurant, and one, very famous to be the backpacker centre of south east Asia. It was supposed to be by far the cheapest area in all south east asia. But as every touristic things in Thailand, it lose its particularity. Now it have also a lot of midrange choice for food and accommodation, there is Mc donnalds, BK, KFC, suway everywhere, and the street food that maid this area very famous, was really poor quality, and much more expensive than other town in Thailand, event more expensive than some island, for food that is much less good and less variety!!
It is still cool to walk around the street seeing all crowds in the street with all the shops. and it's also good for party but probably very different from what it was few years ago (from what I have heard about it).

And after these last days in the capital it is time to take my flight to leave asia :(

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