Monday, September 21, 2015

In Veracruz !!

Location: Veracruz, Ver., Mexico
When I was in Mexico city, everyone told me I should go to Oaxaca after.  So I decided to go to Veracruz.  I wanted to get away from the main touristic path, and I didn’t heard anything about Veracruz (except in a famous french movie), so I decided to go there quickly to see by myself.
I stayed here only a very short time, so I just visited the main city.

it’s a big city with a very important port, next to the center you can see only big boat and big docks. a bit more south there is some really nice beach. and when it come at night, many people get together on different place in the center to dance la “Danzon” it looks like a quiet waltz, and Mexican music, it is very popular and typical from there.

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