Saturday, September 26, 2015

Next stop in Chiapas, Ocosingo

Location: Ocosingo, Chis., Mexico
After three days visiting all around san cristobal, I decided to move on the the next town, Ocosingo.  it is absolutely not touristy, which is really interesting. the city itself don’t have anything special but it’s really relax place.
from there the main interesting spot is a huge maya ruins that is partly restored. I really loved it, first the site is really huge, there is just a big pyramid that is r
estored ( not totally) but you can see around that there is a very huge area that is yet to be discover as it is actually all covered by the jungle.
and one of the best thing is that I had the whole site just for me, i’m not sure if i was lucky or if it is always like that but during the 3h I spent there I have seen only 3 small groups of tourist!!  it is more presented as a cultural place than a touristy place so there is almost no-one coming to visit there and therefore it is still allowed to climb on everything and even go inside some small part!!

After visiting that really nice ruin, I wanted to got deap in the jungle around a lake that is accessible only after 6h and a dirt road, and then 2 more hours walking through the jungle. Unfortunately, the collectivos to got there run just once every few days and there wasn’t any when I wanted to go, So I decided to keep going toward Palanque.

half way there there is a famous waterfall so I made a stop in Agua azul, it was pretty nice and a good way to break down the trip toward Palanque.

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