Sunday, November 8, 2015

In Ometepe, a huge island in the middle of a lake!

Location: Ometepe, Nicaragua
Next Stop in Nicaragua, la isla de Ometepe, it is a big island formed by two volcanoes in the middle of a huge lake !! the island is really beautiful and people there are amazing.
during all the time I was there I stayed on a permaculture farm sleeping in a hammock and seeing all the design of the property to be energy efficient and be totally garbage free.

on the island you can climb both volcanoes but apparently it is forbidden to go without a guide and being advertised as very hard it scared away everyone and I couldn’t find enough people to be able to go there :(
instead I went to a very nice waterfall and went exploring the island hitchhiking around. I really loved the island, amazing people and amazing scenery.

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