Sunday, August 23, 2015

Going down the Baja California peninsula.

Location: Mulegé, Baja California Sur, Mexico
From Ensenada I took a bus to go more south of the peninsula, I didn’t really know where to go so I decided totally randomly to go to a small town called Mulege.
when I got out of the bus I felt Like I was stepping in a forest fire, the heat was really extreme. I walked a bit in the town and realized that it was very small and quiet, I was the only tourist there which make it interesting, but there was nothing really to do there, and with the heat I didn't want to stay too long.

the next day I decided to keep going south toward another town called Loreto. and making a stop in nice beach that was on the way. I got up very early to avoid the heat, and start hitchhiking again.  when I arrived in Bahia Conception the beach was empty it was the low season and all the area was empty.  i just went for a swim in the bay and decided to keep hitchhiking to Loreto.

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