Friday, August 7, 2015

Hitch hiking toward San Francisco!!

Location: US-101, United States
After this small road trip in Canada, it was time to start my trip toward Central America.  after some difficulties to find accommodation all around Vancouver because of a long week-end and the pride in Vancouver, I end up starting my trip from Victoria on Vancouver island.
from there I took a ferry to get to the US. and I started hitchhiking to get to Olympia, it’s a small city just south of Seattle. The city itself is very different from everything in Canada. and there is nothing special to see there, but really cool to walk around, and see how things goes over there.

After talking with some of the people that drove me to Olympia I decided to avoid the main highway that could get me longer ride to arrive much faster to San Francisco. And instead I went all along the pacific coast on Highway 101.
Going along the coast was really awesome it was indeed much longer as I was always getting ride from one small town to the next one. So it was a lot of small ride, which allow me to see many nice place along the way. I was going along during 4 days, spending the nights in camping or one time at someone that offered me a ride in the evening and invited me to stay at his place for the night.

On the 4th day I was entering in California and realized that there was a lot of forest fire everywhere and there was smoke everywhere, so I couldn’t see any good view and the air was not so good for breathing. and at this time someone stopped that was going all the way to Sacramento, so instead of continuing slowly along the coast which wouldn’t be so good with the smoke anyway, I decided to go all the way to Sacramento and from there I took a bus to arrive in the evening in San Francisco!!

Along the way I was impressed by all the effect of the drought that hit California since  few years. I saw huge lake that was almost empty, with the water level about 30m under its normal level!!! all the way until i reach sacramento we were in a huge thick smoke from all forest fire all across the state.  the situation there is really catastrophique and it is extremely noticeable change in only 4 years !!

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