Monday, November 26, 2012

Watching birds !!

Location: Queenstown, New Zealand
Everyone know that the most famous bird in New Zealand is the Kiwi !! But…
In fact I haven't seen a kiwi yet and don’t know much about it, maybe I’ll post something about kiwis later if I find some.

I wanted to talk more about another New Zealand bird, the Kea !! It’s the only alpine parrot in the world, living mostly in the mountains. This parrot is amazing and very smart, apparently some scientist made some very hard puzzle to access some food and they did it in just few sec…
They can be very annoying sometimes; they can destroy your car by eating all the rubber around the doors, or the wipers … that’s funny to see how they can do that.

Also These birds can sometimes kill sheep !!!! just landing on there back, and eating the fat and reach the kidney, then the sheep die (sorry poupinette) … they have been almost all killed by sheep farmer because of that, but they are now protected, and I get the chance to see some many times in the mountains around queenstown

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