Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Around lake atitlan, In san Pedro la laguna

Location: Lake Atitlán, Guatemala
After Antigua, I went around a really beautiful lake, Lake Atitlan, I went across the lake on a small boat to reach the tiny town of San Pedro, which is just next to a big volcano.  the town itself is really nice, with one side very touristy and one side very quiet and everything is half the price from the touristy side.

seeing the big volcano (volcan San pedro 3020m) I couldn't resist but climbing on top of it. at this time of the year, the weather is usually clear very early in the morning but get cloudy very fast. so I decided to get up super early to try to catch the sunrise from the top. I started walking from my hotel at 4AM, and arrived on top around 6:15AM, just a bit after the sunrise, to a really amazing view !!

Shortly after I arrived the clouds got away, for a pretty awesome view over the whole lake and the Volcan Atitlan. just enough time for me to take few pictures and some clouds started to appear in front of the volcano blocking the view again.

it was again a really amazing trip, and it felt a bit weird to be back in town at 10:30AM, having already climb a pretty huge mountain. and still having the whole day ahead of me.

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