Tuesday, October 13, 2015

in Santa Ana and San Miguel

Location: Santa Ana, El Salvador
After seeing the beach I went back inland to the second largest town in El Salvador, Santa Ana!
even if it’s the 2nd biggest city, it’s not really big, i find it really enjoyable and interesting to see as they receive very little tourist.

next to the city there is a volcano again, the highest point in El Salvador, the volcano de Santa Ana(2381m),  I decided to get on top of it, unfortunately I got unlucky with the clouds and couldn’t see any of the supposedly really amazing view. but I could see inside the crater with was really cool, with a small lake with amazing color and that was boiling at one spot.

After Santa Ana I decided to keep going toward Honduras, and making a last stop in San Miguel, another city on the other side of the country, I found it a bit similar to Santa Ana, I really like it. again I didn’t really took any photo in here.

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