Thursday, October 15, 2015

Going across honduras

Location: Lake Yojoa, Honduras
In Honduras I really wanted to see the caribbean coast, which is very famous for diving and snorkeling. for that I had to go all across the country. but I know all the coast and the islands will be quit touristy and probably won’t reflect honduras culture, I decided to make a stop in the middle of the country, next to a big lake to learn more about honduras.
so from San miguel in el salvador I spend the full day going from chicken bus to chicken bus to reach lake yojoa at night.  there is quite a lot of nice things to do there, but I got unlucky with the weather and got just a morning of correct weather, then it was raining non-stop. and it seems that i would keep like that for few days, so I decided to keep going, and maybe make another stop there on my way to Nicaragua if I pass there again.
During the morning with correct weather I got just enough time to visit a really nice water fall. I wanted to do a small hike to get a nice view over the lake, i'll try to do it if I pass by there again.

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