Tuesday, October 11, 2011

At the restaurant with tara's eyes

Location: Huaraz, Pérou
At Cuzco there is some special food. I tried to eat some "cuy" there is not a lot to eat, but it is good, I would like to try one with more meat :p

But.... Do you know what is a cuy ??

There it is at the end .... Do you recognize it ?

 When it's cooked....

In the market.... Now you guessed what it is?

And before going to the market...

Yep, it's a guinea pig !! Un cochon d'inde en Français!!!

More post with tara's eyes soon to discover new food!!


  1. very weird like youd said. I think it would be good if there where more meat :p

  2. Food!!!!!!!! THanks for sharing ........ even just the photos! Love love love !

  3. OMG !! il aurait pas fallut que je sache pour goûter ... t'as aimé ?

  4. j'ai pas super aimé car la yavais presque que de la peu grillé avec un peu de poile, et très peu de viande, mais je pense que cuisiné autrement et un peu plus de viande ça doit être bon, je retesterais probablement si j'ai l'occasion :p

  5. Ça a quel goût ? Plutôt comme du porc, comme du poulet ?...
