Saturday, December 8, 2012

In Christchurch, between two rainfall

Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

After spending the morning waiting for a weather a bit more hitch-hiking friendly, I finally made my way to Christchurch, I get picked up in a big campervan with 7 people from Hong Kong that was a very cool trip and once in Christchurch the weather was much better :)
Unfortunately last time my sister went in Christchurch I don’t know what she did there but few weeks later the city was completely destroyed. So went I get there I was expecting to see some ruins and many mark of the earthquake that hit the city almost 2 years ago. But I wasn’t expecting that much damage!! I was really surprised to see how bad the situation is!!
The entire city center is desert, and a big part of it is closed to public!! A lot of buildings have been completely removed already and the ones still standing are being destroy by huge excavators. They didn’t start rebuilding yet.

They did build an small shopping area called the Re start. It’s just many shops build very quickly with containers, after the earth quake to have some place for shopping around. It’s really nicely done!!

 But except that in the city, there aren’t many things to do. I went for a day in a small town called Akaroa about 2h south of Christchurch, the area is supposed to be really nice. So I left from Christchurch very early with a nice sun outside. Unfortunately I didn’t check the weather forecast and when I reach halfway it was raining a lot. So I went in a cafe to wait for the rain to stop or calm down a bit, as hitch hiking under the rain is not fun and much more difficult to get picked up when you are wet… But after a bit more than one hour the rain was still as bad, so I continue my journey to Akaroa under a big rain. I finally reach the town but the weather was still awful and forecasted to be the same all day and maybe the next day too. So I just walk a bit around and get back to Christchurch.
That was a really useless and very wet day, but that’s part of the trip.
Next step will be to go back on west coast with a stop in Arthur’s pass for enjoying the nice scenery around there!!!

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