Sunday, December 16, 2012

On the heaphy track

Location: Heaphy Track, New Zealand

So after a short and nice stay in karamea, it’s time to start walking. My bag is a bit heavy with all my stuff plus the food for 4 days but it’s still very nice to walk around.
The first day I started around 1pm and walk for about 5h  along the west coast to reach the campsite just next to the beach, it was really nice place, except for all the sand-flies and mosquitoes that were way too many in there.

2nd day the weather wasn't very good, a lot of cloud and a little bit of rain sometimes.
It was about 9h walking that day to go inland going up the hill slowly to reach a nice place in the middle of nowhere,

The next morning I wake up with a perfect weather. And as it’s a bit higher and not directly on the coast, there wasn't any sand-flies or mosquitoes, it was really cool.
That day I walk for a while on the plateau then going down the hill to reach the end of the track.
I was supposed to spend the night there and then find a way to reach Collingwood, the closest town on the other side. But I find a lift to Collingwood directly so I went there directly!

The track is supposed to be done in 4 days 3 nights, some people do it in 5 days, and I should have done the same, it was a bit too much walking 9hours each days, I couldn’t enjoy everything around, but it was still a very nice hike !!

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