Friday, February 22, 2013

In Burma!!!!! but only for 30 min

Location: Burma
When I was in Phuket I did a trip to go in Burma, it took about 6h to get there and 6h to get back, in a mini bus, and a long tail boat to cross the border.
Huuuuuuum you might wonder why the fuck I spend 12h in a minivan and boat to spend 30 min in Burma???  it’s not that there is something exceptionally interesting to see, it is because Thailand immigration sucks !!! If you come by plan you get a 30 days visa, but if you come by land you get only 15days which is very short. So I had to go out and in again to get another 15days and therefore having time to see all the islands in the south before leaving Thailand. So it was very boring trip a bit expensive, but I needed to do it to be able to see all I want….


  1. you have to add a new place in your map!!

    1. which one ??
      burma is already on the map ;) but I have to update it with more details about where I have been in thailand
