Saturday, February 2, 2013

First stop in Asia !! Singapore !!!

Location: Singapore

After a loooooong day flying over Australia, It’s always amazing view from the plan !!

I finally landed in Singapore, and the first impression I get just before the landing was ….  ”Holy shit how many boat are here!!!!!”
It’s impressive to see that many boat, this picture is just maybe 5% of the boats in the area, it is really crazy!!

I spend only two nights here, just walking around town and it is really impressive, the buildings are really huge.

They really put boat EVERYWHERE!!! Even one big boat balanced over the roof of three huge building!!!!

Everything in town is really huge. I went in a shopping centre specialised in electronics, and was impressed by the size, 6 big floors full of small shops selling or repairing any kind of electronics, however the price are about the same as Europe or New Zealand, unlike what everyone said to me.

I spend the evening around marina bay, to get a nice view over the city by day then by night, I really liked it, and I’m still really impressed!!

The town is quit expensive so I prefer continuing my trip quickly, so the next morning I find out where to go and went directly in Malaysia.

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