Sunday, February 10, 2013

In the Jungle!! looking for tigers !!

Location: Taman Negara, Malaysia
Since I arrived in Asia I have always been in cities, so now it’s time for more adventure!!
I was thinking about going on the east coast as it is supposed to be very nice. But unfortunately at the moment it’s the monsoon season so there is nothing to do there.
I decided instead to go in the jungle, in the middle of Malaysia. Taman Negara national park, it is one of the oldest tropical rain forests on earth.
After few hours by bus from Kuala Lumpur, I took a boat for three more hours to get to a very small village at the entrance of the park. It was very nice!!

As usual to visit around there is many tours operator that offer many different activities. I was surprise to see that it wasn’t very expensive, but I decided not to do that anyway and get really deeply into the jungle on my own. I did a big trek over 2 days to go in the middle of the jungle and spend the night there in a very small hut.

The trek was awesome with many big difficulties like river crossing or steep and slippery hills that was really fun. But it was also very hard because of the very hot and wet weather. Try running in a sauna or a steam room for 6h without going out, and you will feel as I felt during that trek. And another thing quite annoying was the leeches, they were everywhere and I had to stop every 10 min to burn it away.

I really loved that trek it was a good adventure and for once not as easy as most touristic things. It was also cool to know that anytime you can face some deadly species like spiders, scorpion, snakes, or even tigers!! I have seen many spiders and one snake but I have no idea if it was some deadly ones or not, and didn’t see any tiger, but was very unlikely to see some as it is endanger species and only 200 remain in the park.
The only big animal I saw was a Tapir apparently I was very lucky to see it, many people came here only to see that and never see it!!


  1. apres saudia arabia, passe par les pays du maghreb ca etre etre beau.....

  2. merci capitain de nous faire voyagé avec toutes tes photos !!
    Take care !

  3. pour le moment je pense pas aller vers le magreb, mais on verra bien, peu etre l'egypte, meme autour de saudia arabia je pense pas vraiment y rester peu etre juste si je peu quelque jour car par avion j'aurais probablement une escale dans le coin !!

    Merci frou !! ça me fait plaisir de partager ça avec tout le monde !!!
