Sunday, February 17, 2013

And now, Thailand!!!! Arriving in Koh Lanta !!

Location: Ko Lanta, Thailand
After a very long journey in a mini bus from Penang in Malaysia I reach Koh Lanta, a nice island on the south west of Thailand, it’s very nice, very small town on north of the island and all the way down along the beach there is many bungalows, restaurants and resorts. As it is still very busy as this time, it is still hard to find accommodation, and one very annoying things here, is that there is almost no backpacker with share rooms, almost only bungalows to rent, or few   with only private room, even if it is really cheap for bungalows or private rooms, it is still much more expensive than a simple bed in a dorm room, also as I’m traveling alone, I don’t want to be even more isolated by being alone on my own bungalow.  All the tourist information or tuk tuk driver told me that there is absolutely no dorms room on the island and the cheapest bungalow I can find was about 700 bath. But I decided not to listen to them and take time to walk around and look by myself, and like that I managed to find a very nice place for 140 bath. It’s basically just a tree house, very basic but very nice !!

The island is quite big ( maybe 15 to 20km from north to south) so the best way to visit is to hire a scooter and visit around, so I drived a bit all around the island. It’s funny as driving here is totally different, there is basically only one rule : priority to the bigger vehicle.

Directly from the island there is nothing to see in the water, just sand, so I got on a boat to go snorkelling around for a day, it was really nice, but a bit disappointed about some place that were way too crowded !!!
The snorkelling spots where really good but nothing like around the great barrier reef north east of Australia.
We stop for lunch on a very nice beach.

And have a quick stop to a place that would be heaven if that wasn’t over crowded, basically it’s a very small beach surrounded by big cliffs and the only way to access is through a tunnel in the water, about 80m long. Unfortunately there is about always 3 or 4 huge boat full of Chinese and Japanese that are on the spot all the time, when one leave, one other come directly… and it is way too crowded so I didn't really like it. Also as all these tourist can’t swim they are just with a life jacket holding the person in front of them and waiting for their guide to pull them to the other side, that make a huge “snake” of at least 50 Japanese and Chinese over exited that can’t find anything else to do than yelling as hard as possible during all the time in the tunnel, which again is extremely annoying and almost make me deaf….
It is very sad because without that much people this spot would be the perfect place!!

this is not from me, it is what it look like when it's not busy

On the evening on the beach where I was staying, there were some beach volley organised that was really cool, I went there for playing too time and then the sunset is really awesome.  A very nice way to spend the evening!!

 After few days there, I continue my trip to another island…. Koh Phi Phi

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