Friday, March 22, 2013

In a loooooong trip to reach Saigon

Location: Pleiku, Vietnam
to left Banlung, I went in a minivan to pleiku (a city in Vietnam close to the border, it was really fun trip as I was the only European in the van, and no one speak any English, also we stop at sooo many place to pick up and drop off peoples or food, or beverage, or many kind of things.

The border was very small in a middle of a dirt road, very quiet, and more enjoyable than the crossing in Poipet where I get from Thailand to Cambodia.

Pleiku Is really not touristic place, so when I arrived there, absolutely no one speak any word of English, so it was a big challenge to find my way to the bus station on the other side of the city, find an ATM to get some local money, and buy the ticket, for a night bus to Saigon.

When I get in the bus to Saigon I get really surprise to see how it was inside, can’t really describe it so here is some pictures.

And after 11h in the bus, at around 5:30AM we arrived in the bus station in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), from there as It was really early I took my time and decided to get to where I wanted to go using the public bus instead of the motorbike taxi. It was a bit of a challenge to find which bus to take, were to take it, and get there. And then I just had to walk about 15min to get to an hostel that looks cool, and when I finally arrived to that hostel …… it was FAR from being the end of this journey, but that’s another story …. Coming Soon !!

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