Saturday, March 9, 2013

In Siem Reap to see enough temple for the next few years !!

Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
Siem Reap is a nice little town north east of Cambodia; I stayed here 2 full days. The first day I just relax a bit, walk around town to discover a bit of Cambodian culture. Even if it is very touristic and probably not reel Cambodia, it is still interesting and my first impression is that Cambodian people are extremely nice!! Even if they push a lot to try to sell you stuff which is a bit annoying, they are still very nice. I have seen a small temple about the same as the ones I have seems in Thailand, and an old market that reminded me the markets in Peru.

The next day I went to visit the main attraction in the country and in south east Asia, Angkor temples, it is an big area with many many old temples in ruins, the area is really huge much bigger than Siem Reap town. As it is very big and there is a lot to see, it was a very long day to see most of it in only one day. With a friend I met in the border and that stayed at the same guest house as me, we hire a tuk tuk for the day to drive us between all the temples.
The sunrise over the temple is very famous so we started at 5AM from our guest house to get to the main temple for the sunset. It was a bit foggy so the sunset wasn't really interesting. But anyway, we start the visit with Angkor Wat, the most famous temple; it is still in good shape compared to other temples and it’s very impressive.

Then we went in Angkor Thom it is a huuuge area with a temple in the middles and many other ruins next to it.

After, we continue visiting many other temples more or less interesting.

One of the last temples we visited is really damaged by the time and there is many trees that grown in the temple and ON the temple. It is really impressive to see that.

And we finish the day by a sunset not really interesting for the same reason as the sunrise wasn’t very good.

That was very long day but very interesting, these temple are really huge and beautiful, even if it is expensive (the entrance and everything you might buy in the area) you definitely need to visit it if you come in the area!!

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