Sunday, March 24, 2013

In The Mekong delta

Location: Mekong Delta
So, when I arrived in Saigon, after a loooong journey from Cambodia over 24h, at about 8am I finally reach my hostel.
But As I was walking up the stairs to reach the reception a small group of tourist talk to me (it was the first time I saw someone that speak English since 24h). they were about to go for a 2days tour on the Mekong delta, and explained that one girl that was supposed to be on that trip couldn’t come and they didn’t find anyone to resell it, so They ask me to join them with this ticket. I was very tired and all dirty, I had absolutely no clean cloth and not any idea about what to do in Saigon and around, I was thinking only about a shower and a bed, But they were really nice, and it was a very good opportunity to visit the Mekong delta for almost free. So I decided to go with them, I just had the time to leave my bag at the reception and run with them to catch the bus as it was about to leave already.

The tour was ok, but that remind me that I don’t like tours, we visit few place over the Mekong delta, a fabric of coconut candy, and a fabric of rice noodles. Some fruit plantations, a big floating market which was really cool; and a lot of bus and boat to between all different places.
It was good to see most of the Mekong tourist attraction quickly and without having to plan or worry about anything.

After these two days, I finally managed to get passed the reception of the hostel, take a shower, do laundry and start thinking about what to do in Vietnam.

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