Sunday, April 14, 2013

At the place where French get kicked out of Vietnam 60 years ago, Dien Bien Phu !!

Location: Điện Biên Phủ, Vietnam
From Sapa, I wanted to go to Laos, but there is no direct bus, so I took a night bus to get to Dien Bien Phu, a town very close to the boarder, and from there I wanted to take directly a bus to laos.

So I left from Sapa around 6:30PM and I was supposed to arrive around 6AM. But around 1AM the bus stopped on the road.  The road is in very poor condition, and a truck in front of us was stuck in the middle of the way, so we had to wait all night there. And we started again around 8AM, the good thing is that it allows me to have a look around and the scenery was really incredible!!

After this incident I arrived in Dien Bien Phu around 2PM and the bus to Laos had left already. So I stayed one night and took the bus the next day.
It was also a good thing because it was interesting to see this city. for those that don’t remember their history lesson from high school It is the place of one of the last battle between the French and the Vietnamese during the war; after being defeated here the French people left Vietnam.
At one side of the town there is a small hill with a big monument and the view from there is really beautiful!! you can see a part of town and all the field where the battle took place, with the mountains all around.

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